Wednesday, 12 August 2015

iPhone 6s Vs iPhone 6: New Leak Compares Display Assembly On Video

With the iPhone 6s launch near imminent next month, we’re witnessing a surge in image and video leaks of Apple’s upcoming smartphone. The latest to be making rounds on the Internet is an extremely close-up look at the September-bound smartphone’s display assembly, being compared to the one on the iPhone 6, all caught on video.
We’ve seen quite a few leaks in the past few weeks regarding the iPhone 6s, including the display assembly, but never got to see the details this close. As can be seen in the video embedded below, both parts look the same in the first instance here but there are quite a few minor changes going around. Apparently, that tiny gray colored rectangular thing on the panel is part of the Force Touch technology. We can’t be sure, but that’s what MacManiack believes, who managed to get a hold of the new assembly.
iPhone 6s rose gold main
The company is a reseller of Apple parts, and points out a few other intricacies within the iPhone 6s assembled display that differ from the current iPhone 6, but to general consumers these changes don’t matter much do they? What does matter however, is its thickness, and behold; if this indeed is the display assembly for the iPhone 6s, it is as thick as the one on the iPhone 6. This potentially debunks the entire speculation that Apple would opt for a thicker display owing to the Force Touch tech.
Since the dimensions of the two iPhone displays are identical, the iPhone 6s may just measure up to the existing iPhone 6, as had been speculated over and over again. The FaceTime camera and proximity sensor have not moved at all either, and we can safely assume that the mic and speaker will stay housed at their original location as well.
The ‘s’ moniker has always remained true to its history, with Apple usually churning out the year older iPhone design with a bumped up CPU and camera, but with Force Touch on the cards, it could very well be breaking that tradition. A recent report has suggested that the iPhone 6 may be announced on the 9th of September, with an all new A9 CPU, a 12MP rear-facing camera, Force Touch, and more.
For more details, here’s the video.


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